Searching Heart

My heart roams for hours and days and years, Searching for what it loans for. My heart…broken over and over and betrayed so hurt and confused. It weeps softly in the night and prays for a better day when the sun raises.

My heart speaks so profoundly when it feels like we’ve found the ONE, When I’m sick and tried this battered and bruised heart of mines still pushes on. It’s strong…it’s determined. One day I asked, All of the things we’ve been through and overcome just to endure it once more will anyone accept us?
I mean look at us. We’re in shambles!

My heart spoke and with no doubt,  said the one we seek is in search of us also and will take us just as we are. The act of True Love looks beyond all the hurt and pain and where you lack they will build you up, Where they are weak you will be strong.

Bless my heart it’s truly amazing


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